My passion for photography began as a teenager when I decided to take a photography class as a "blow off" my freshman year of high school. I instantly developed a deep love for the art form and sold my first image to a local newspaper at 16; I haven't put down my camera since.


The early years of my career were focused on sports and wildlife photography, which I truly enjoyed shooting, but I had always felt that I was missing something. That's when I was talked into shooting a ballet performance at a small theater near my home.


I was not very enthusiastic about shooting dance, after all, I knew nothing at all about it. My attitude about ballet changed within minutes of arriving at the theater. The athleticism, the grace, the artistry; it was mesmerizing. Since that day, I have never looked back. For more than a decade, I have been shooting only dance. I spend all my time studying dance technique and picking the brains of everyone involved in the art form; from Artistic Directors, to dancers, to pointe shoe makers.


Dance photography is not just a way for me to make a living, it is my love and my passion.